Join the MBE Input Committee CEO Roundtable and connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to increasing MBE-to-MBE collaboration. This is an opportunity to share your successes and challenges, brainstorm new ideas, and partner with other MBE CEOs.
This group of certified MBE representatives provides counsel and recommendations to ensure that programs and projects implemented by CRMSDC are relevant and supportive of minority business development.
This discussion will be targeted towards our socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Our presenter will discuss how to think strategically about cash flow and determine if you need to borrow, important financial data to provide to lenders and what your credit options are.
Join the MBE Input Committee CEO Roundtable and connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to increasing MBE-to-MBE collaboration. This is an opportunity to share your successes and challenges, brainstorm new ideas, and partner with other MBE CEOs.